
Type: Posts; User: (TOPFLIGHT)

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  1. I would guess business is good around town

    Based on what I've seen on the beach it looks like there are a lot of tourists in town right now. Spring breakers and golfers.

    I know many of you don't like it when it's this busy but anything...
  2. Replies

    Poll: I prefer Jimmagans.

    I prefer Jimmagans.
  3. Most of the gyms are open 24 hours now.

    Most of the gyms are open 24 hours now.
  4. Replies

    Gentlemen you will be hard pressed to find a...

    Gentlemen you will be hard pressed to find a better course than the Heritage Club.
  5. Poll: Pittsburgh pulls away mid way through the third.

    Pittsburgh pulls away mid way through the third.
  6. We will get one but I bet it doesn't come for...

    We will get one but I bet it doesn't come for another decade and can you imagine how long it will take to complete.
  7. Replies

    Looks like the Library has a new lounge

    I was reading earlier that The Library restaurant has a new louge and improved happy house. Hopefully that will help their business, they definitely have some of the best food in Myrtle.
Results 1 to 7 of 7